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New releases - Excellink 2014, VRMLout 2014, CITin 2014, etc.

A2014 CAD Studio has released new versions of its popular plugins for AutoCAD and Inventor. These version support the new Autodesk 2014 product family.

Excellink 2014 is an AutoCAD-Excel linking tool. With Excellink you can export and import (control) block attributes and geometric properties to/from MS Excel sheets. Excellink 2014 supports the whole AutoCAD 2014 family (except AutoCAD LT) in both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The new version of Excellink fully supports also dynamic blocks.

Excellink 2014 is available for download and for upgrade.

VRML Translator for Inventor 2014 and VRMLout for AutoCAD 2014 add the 3D export option for VRML file format (.wrl). AutoCAD 3D models and Inventor parts and assemblies can be published directly to the VRML format.

More inforrmation and a trial version on VRMLout

CITin 2014 extends the raster file formats support in AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCADu LT 2014. With CITin all AutoCAD flavours will understand the new format .CIT (Intergraph) in their standard Image commands.

Download a trial version of CITin from CITin

FDO Linestyle 2014 is a special tool for generating complex FDO linestyles in AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 and MapGuide.

See FDO linestyle

Most updated apps by CAD Studio can be also found on the "AppStore" Autodesk Exchange Apps.

See also:
The latest CAD tips
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