CAD Studio - CAD/CAM/GIS/BIM/PLM solutions
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CAD Studio awarded as the best Autodesk reseller in Czechia

Top dealer 2011 - manufacturing
Top dealer 2011 - AEC

The company CAD Studio was awarded by Autodesk as the best reseller in the Czech Republic - both in manufacturing and in AEC.

CAD Studio is also the overall largest Autodesk reseller in the Czech and Slovak republics - already 17 years in a row.

CAD Studio is an Autodesk Platinum partner and provides solutions for manufacturing, architecture, construction, mapping and GIS since 1991; being also an Autodesk Authorized Training Center, Consulting Partner and Authorized Developer offering more than 100 add-on applications for Autodesk software.

More than 300.000 professionals and students from Czechia, Slovakia and the whole world use regularly the services of the CAD Studio's CAD portal -

The latest CAD tips
#14405: How do I create a 3D helix or 2D spiral sketch in Fusion?
#14402: What is the difference between the BLOCKREPLACE, BREPLACE, REPLACEBLOCK, RIBLOCK and ...
#14399: How can I find out which version of LISP freeware is loaded?
#14396: FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x4aa6a000 Exception at 2586DABBh
#14395: CheckAngles - checking the allowed line angles in the DWG drawing (e.g. only ortho)
The latest CAD files
07.02.2025: Color Tabs - tab coloring by project, by family, for Revit 2025-2022, V1.0.24 (Trial; EN/CZ)
07.02.2025: PressureDrops - pressure drop MEP calculations for Revit 2025-2022, V1.1.6 (Trial; EN/CZ)
07.02.2025: Class Feeder 2.0.1 - CCI classification add-on for Revit 2025-2021 (CS+)
07.02.2025: TRIAL - Vyztužovák/Reinforcement add-on for Revit 2025/2024/2023/2022 V3.0 (EN/CZ, ...
07.02.2025: Legend Generator (Výpis prvků) V2.0 for Revit 2025/2024/2023/2022 (Trial, CZ/EN)

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