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Autodesk - free
Tools (standalone, Autodesk)
Download Autodesk DWF Writer 2009/V4 64-bit (DWF/DWFx Windows printer driver V4 for Windows 7, Vista sp1 and WinXP sp2); contains DWF Writer 2D, supports MS Office 2007/2010, Adobe Acrobat 9, Bentley Microstation V8i... (obsolete) External 337kB 13.8.2010  
Download AutoCAD Civil 3D Importer for Trimble Business Center - HCE (imports DWG 2010 and earlier into HCE 1.4) External 54MB 6.10.2009    
Download DWFxConverter - converts files between the DWF and DWFx (XPS) formats 1.6MB 20.1.2008    
Patches + updates
Inventor, HSM/CAM, Fusion 360, Factory, Alias
Download Inventor 3D parts catalog with more than 8 million parts (i-drop support) - Supplier Content Center External 6.11.2002  
Plant 3D, P&ID
Download AutoCAD Plant 3D 2013 Pipe Supports and Isos Hotfix External 5.3MB 3.8.2012    
C-Dilla, Licensing, AdLM
Download SAMreport-Lite 3.6 (updated version of FlexLM report generator for FLEXlm 10.8/2007) External 17.2MB 4.5.2006  
Download * C-Dilla/CDsecure RTS update 3.27 (WinXP not SP3!, multiple OS boot, removable discs problem, requires re-authorization!) for AutoCAD 2000i/2002 family, Inventor 5/6, VIZ 4 and 3ds max 4/5 External 1.07MB 22.11.2002    
Download C-Dilla RTS update 3.24 (WinXP, not SP3!) for AutoCAD 2000i/2002 family, Inventor 4/5 and 3ds max 4 External 1MB 15.1.2002    
CAD Utilities and add-ins
Download TCase - enhanced AutoCAD Express Tool - incl. accented characters, small-caps 8kB 11.6.2016  
Download BlkConvert - converts Mechsoft+Genius blocks to MCAD objects of AutoCAD Mechanical/Mechanical Desktop 4/5; newer versions on CAD Studio BonusCD (CZ) 100kB 27.7.2000    
Download ConvText - converts TrueType text to a solid or region (ARX2000) 17kB 16.11.1999    
Free applications and CAD utilities (mostly our freeware & trials)
Our shareware (trial)
Download Xls2Curve/Curve2Xls - draws curves or points from coordinates in the selected range in the active Excel sheet, exports polyline/curve coordinates to Excel (trial version) 47kB 28.8.2014
Download SMP 2011 - SheetMetal Parts - nadstavba Inventoru 2011 (32/64-bit) pro modelování plechových dílů a přechodů (trial) 4.9MB 19.7.2010 Koupit
Download SMP - SheetMetal Parts - nadstavba Inventoru 2008 pro modelování plechových dílů a přechodů (trial) 1.7MB 18.4.2008 Koupit
Download HGEN 2006 - converts AutoCAD drawing to .PAT hatch pattern (ARX 2006/2005/2004 app, trial) 268kB 18.4.2005 Koupit
Download SplineConvert - convert splines, ellipses, arcs to 2D polylines (A2002, trial) 210kB 12.12.2002 Koupit
Download * HGEN - converts AutoCAD drawing/block to .PAT hatch pattern (ARX 2000 app, trial) 234kB 4.5.2002 Koupit
CAD Utilities and add-ins
Download srxTEXT - search and replace AutoCAD drawing texts using regular expressions, supports batch scripts, table replacements, numeric intervals (free) 21kB 20.7.2024
Download BBox - draws permanent or temporary bounding boxes (rectangle, circle, 3D box or cylinder) for selected drawing objects, supports UCS (VLX LISP) 18kB 31.10.2023
Download LinOut - exports linetype definitions (incl. shape+text info) from an AutoCAD DWG drawing back to .LIN file 17kB 6.8.2023
Download Export_STL - export Inventor assembly parts into separate STL files for 3D printing (iLogic) 11301 15.12.2022  
Download AssyCOG - masses and COGs of Inventor assembly parts to Excel (iLogic) 2785 15.12.2022  
Download Lin2Cyl/Cur2Cyl - converts selected lines or curves to 3D cylinders or tubes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 10.1.2022
Download ExportujPlechy - exports all sheetmetal parts in an assembly as flat-pattern DXF files (iLogic for Inventor) 3459 16.12.2021    
Download 3DF2L - converts 3DFaces to Lines/Plines (LISP for AutoCAD) 2530B 17.8.2021    
Download Sol2SolH - converts 2D Solids to solid Hatches (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 16kB 25.5.2021
Download COT - Convert old table - converts lines, texts and blocks to AutoCAD TABLE objects (by J.Villarreal) 30kB 29.12.2020
Download DBXscanImg - scans DWG files in a folder and reports any drawing files with references to Images or PDF underlays (VLX/DBX) 13kB 23.12.2020
Download ASCPOINT.LSP - imports a coordinate text file into AutoCAD points, polylines or block copies (T.Tanzillo+CADstudio) 12kB 21.1.2020    
Download PanVPs - pan viewports, change view in multiple viewports (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 18.12.2019  
Download ToMulti - convert polylines to multi-lines by definitions in the .Tab file (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 16.12.2019
Download Copy layer properties from one viewport to all other layouts/viewports (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 25.1.2019
Download CMDtimer - timing/benchmarking reactor - reports execution time of any AutoCAD command (LISP) 1138 4.1.2019    
Download SVG Export for Inventor - exports unfolded sheetmetal outlines to SVG file, iLogic (CS+ utility) External 9kB 20.10.2017    
Download 2D3Dpoly - converts 2D polylines to 3D polyline objects (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 11.10.2016
Download DBXremSL, DBXscanSL - scans DWG files, reports and removes excessive annotation scale lists in all drawings in selected folder (VLX/DBX) 17.4kB 6.1.2016
Download P2C+C2P - converts points to circles and circles to points (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 8872 5.1.2015
Download Txt2Face - converts TTF texts to faces/meshes (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2000-2015) 13kB 29.8.2014
Download DBXscanXref - scans DWG files in a folder and reports all Xrefs referenced in the individual drawings (VLX/DBX) 13kB 9.9.2013
Download CopyViews - imports named views from another drawing (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 10.6.2013
Download Sp2Pl - converts selected splines to polylines (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2011+) 12kB 24.2.2012    
Download Lay2Dwg - exports layers (entities) to individual drawings (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 9.12.2011
Download WBlockAll and WBlock2 commands - exports all drawing blocks to individual DWG files (WBlock All) 13kB 11.8.2011
Download DBXremVBA, DBXscanVBA - scans DWG files, reports and removes VBA macros in all drawings in selected folder (VLX/DBX) 25kB 15.12.2010
Download LockAllVp - locks all viewports in all layouts (LISP for AutoCAD) 669 12.11.2010
Download Sol2Face - converts 2D Solids to 3D Faces or PFace (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 11960 23.2.2009
Download Ent2Lay - converts selected entities to individual layers (VLX for AutoCAD) 11728 26.1.2009
Download Att2Txt - converts attributes (AttDef) to plain texts (Text) in an AutoCAD drawing (LISP) 654 26.11.2008    
Download AllVports - sets UCSFOLLOW to 0 (or 1) in all viewports of all layouts and modelspace 2060 30.1.2008    
Download DB2SB - converts an AutoCAD dynamic block to a static block (VLX Lisp) 902 19.7.2007    
Download Arc2Lin - converts Arc and Cirle entities into line segments (VLX for AutoCAD 2000x) 13kB 26.5.2003
Download ImportSplineCSVg/ImportSplineCSVm/ImportPointsCSV - import XY(Z) points from Excel to spline or points in Fusion 360 (Script) 8kB 8.10.2016  
Download Inventor Profile Launcher - starts Inventor with preset add-ons (CS+ bonus tool, VIP) External 315kB 1.6.2016    
Download VirtualParts - insert virtual parts from Excel into Inventor assemblies (iLogic) 8.6kB 14.12.2015  
Download iLogic rule - COGs as workpoints for all assembly parts (CS+) External 1kB 15.1.2014    
Download Export3Dsketch - exports coordinates of an Inventor 3D sketch into a CSV file (VBA macro) 31kB 27.6.2013    
Download CreateInterference - builds interference solid of colliding parts in an Inventor assembly (VBA macro) 43520 29.11.2011    
Other Goodies
Download ZSurf - converts bitmaps to 3D NURBS surfaces 1.8MB 17.6.2010    
Download CUI to MNU - converts a .CUI file back to the .MNS format (check the result manually) 13kB 1.3.2007    
Download Non-RectangularViewports.DWT - a template file allowing to use non-rectangular viewports in AutoCAD LT 2000x (see 67kB 23.9.2003    
Vypsáno 60 souborů