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1.0 Overview

AutoCAD Assistant allows to evaluate mathematic expressions using a simple calculator. You can launch this calculator from the cursor menu after you right-click your mouse.

1.1 Loading

Program can be loaded with the ARX command, Load option. If you prefer to load the program automatically add the following line to the acad.rx file:

1.2 Commands

Assistant contains two commands - CAST_ASSIST and CAST_ASSISTCALC. The CAST_ASSIST command displays a message:
Assistant is switched ON.

If run this command again program displays a message
Assistant is switched OFF.

The CAST_ASSISTCALC command displays a popup calculator.

1.3 Usage

Assistant monitors your mouse right-clicks. If you right-click in a edit-box of any dialog box AutoCAD displays cursor menu which is enhanced with a Calculate command. The other items of the menu are the same as in standard menus displayed when right-clicking an edit-box - they are intended for Clipboard operations.

Note When Asssitant is in the OFF mode a standard menu is displayed.

If you select the Calculate command calculator is displayed. In the lower part of the calculator are buttons for operators and digits. List of allowed operators can be found in the table List of operators. The entered expression is continuously evaluated and result is displayed in the Result box. If you enter a wrong operator program displays an error message Error. If you want to finish the expression evaluation and paste the result to the edit-box press the = button.
Calculator also supports variables - detailed description is in the
Working with variables section.

Note If you use operators which argument is angle, enter the value in degrees.

1.4 List of operators

Operator Description
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
^ Power
( Left parenthis
) Right parenthis
sin Sinus
cos Cosinus
tan Tangent
abs Absolute value
ln Natural logarithm
exp Exp power
acos Arccosinus
asin Arcsinus
atan Arctangent
sqrt Square root
ceil Round up
floor Round down
log 10 logarithm
sinh Hyperbolic sinus
cosh Hypebolic cosinus
tanh Hyperbolic tangent

1.6 Working with variables

Calculator supports variables. Variables dialogue is displayed after pressing the Variables button. You can add a new variable with the New button. Default variable name is varN, where N is a variable index (numbered from one). If you want to change the name of a variable, double-click on its name and change the name in the edit-box. You can assign any value (not an expression) and a comment to any variable. Variables remain in memory till you finish the AutoCAD session.

If you want to insert a variable to the calculator expression on cursor position, click on variable and press the Use button. If you want only to close the dialogue, press the Close button.

1.7 Contact

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Assistant trial + Buy/Order

Trial version is free for download. If you are interested in the full commercial version, use the Order below or contact XANADU.

Price of the commercial version of Assistant is 25,-EUR .

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